A Miracle
Wednesday night at 9:37 my granddaughter, Violet Anne, was born. A lovely name for a lovely little girl. Later that evening, as I held her for the first time, she stole my heart. She will have whatever she asks of me or from me, for as long as I live. Holding her and looking at her face as she slept in my arms made me so grateful.
Grateful that I am alive. I often take for granted the miracle of life. Yes, it can be very difficult at times, but it can also be very wonderful. You don’t get to have one without the other. Holding my newborn granddaughter in my arms, a new little human, with all her life ahead of her, reminded me that I am blessed to be here.
Grateful that I get an opportunity to be in this little person’s life. What an honor and a privilege to be able to learn with her and grow with her and walk with her. I suspect she has come to teach me some things, and hopefully I can share some of my experiences with her too.
Grateful that Violet reminds me of the redemptive nature of God. The road of my life had a lot of detours and breakdowns and crashes (and probably still will), but holding Violet is like getting an engine rebuild and all the crash damage repaired. The car of my life feels showroom new when she’s with me.
These things are wonderful and refreshing and life giving. These things are available to us every day.
Every day is a blessing. I have the opportunity to share life with others wherever I go and learn from them. God is always redeeming my life in myriad ways.
I need only open my eyes to see the miracle of life all around me.
I must admit though, it is so much easier to see when Violet is in my arms.