Simple Math

We are divided. Our nation is torn. People are broken. Unfortunately, this is a fact. If we need any proof, all we have to do is turn on the news, scroll through social media, or listen to any conversation that involves more than two people. We do not agree. And suddenly, we don’t hesitate to…

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Look to the Light

“I have good news, and I have bad news. Which do you want first?” How many times has someone said this to you? And which do you choose to hear first? We almost all have a default choice that we have rationalized in our mind. We think, “It’s not just one or the other; I’m…

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Better Than Nothing

“We’ll do a virtual conference. It’s better than nothing.” “Let’s just grab curbside. It will be better than nothing.” “What about gift cards instead of a Christmas Party? That’s better than nothing.” This year has brought so many changes, and with those changes we are developing a different mindset. Where we used to strive for…

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