I am not a fan of the beach. I’m not particularly fond of bright, hot sunshine. I really don’t enjoy swimming in (or even getting into) water that isn’t sanitized and contained in concrete and tile. I hate sand; it gets everywhere. However, the engineer in me does love a good sandcastle, and for that I have spent more than a few days on beaches with my kids.
Sandcastles have some immutable attributes. They can be intricate but have significant limitations in size due to the nature of wet sand not being very good at tension or load bearing (and it doesn’t stay wet for long.) They can be created quickly but disappear almost as quickly due to the inevitable action of the sun, wind, and tide driven waves. They draw a lot of attention in the short term but are forgotten and replaced almost daily.
There is a parable in the Bible about a man who builds a house on the sand. All the attributes of sand as a building material apply equally to its suitability as a foundation. Soon the rain comes and floods the area, and the house falls. Another man builds a house on stone (like you find in the Rocky Mountains where I would much prefer to vacation). When the same rain and floods come, this house stands firm and survives the storm.
When Jesus told this parable, he was referring to foolishness and wisdom as foundations for a life. However, I think the analogy holds for organizations as well—and in some interesting ways.
In the parable, building on the sand is implied to be easier and faster. Certainly, building intricate sandcastles can be done in a morning. Material is plentiful and offers little resistance to being moved and shaped. You don’t have to clear much out of the way to start, and often people will join in because it looks like you are playing (because you are).
Conversely, building on stone implies difficulty and time. Building a structure on stone foundations will take weeks or months (maybe years). Material is often not proximate and must be refined to some extent to be usable. The site will likely require considerable effort to prepare, and while you may talk people into joining in, you are working hard, and people may just avoid you.
Each of us is in the process of building our organizational culture. We are faced with the choice daily between the “easy” way and the “hard” way.
The easy way involves using many of the traditional building materials of command and control, economic incentives, and fear. You can get a lot done quickly if everyone does what they are told, doesn’t ask any questions, needs what you are giving them, and is afraid of you. What you build might look fantastic. People will stop and stare and take pictures. Some will even join you (for a day).
With enough protection and work, the result might last a while, but the storms will come. When they do, this edifice will fall. Team members will leave, customers will find other providers for your goods and services, and even the larger community will turn their backs. Eventually, the waves and wind will wash away what you built.
The hard way requires looking at leadership differently. It means taking the time (sometimes a long time) to build into your culture the rock-solid principles of equal value, respect, safety, and stewardship. The speed at which you can build will be the speed at which you can create relationships and establish trust. You will make some mistakes, and rather than leaving those weaknesses in the structure, you will have to tear them out and do them over. You may not make the headlines at all.
The good news is that even before it is finished, this structure is solid and useful. You will always have a “to-do” list, but you can move in and enjoy some level of comfort and safety almost immediately. While adding people to this growing community will take time, once they join, they are likely to stay. Your stability and positive impact (over time) will generate customer and community loyalty. Plus, what you build will last.
I do not believe a leader can build their own life on the “sand” and then lead an organization to build on rock. We tend to lead with what we know and have experienced. Only healthy leaders can lead healthy organizations. Make sure your house has a solid foundation and then get to work (it’s going to take time) building your organizational culture into a solid fortress, firmly founded on and living out the Bison Way.