Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana…
I made a significant mistake recently. I went to Gary, Indiana. I know, you’re thinking, “How can Gary, Indiana be a mistake?” Gary, Indiana of “Music Man” fame. Gary, Indiana, birthplace of Michael Jackson. Gary, Indiana, home of Robert Kearns (inventor of the intermittent windshield wiper system.) Turns out things haven’t gone so well for…
Read MoreShow Don’t Tell
I visited a very dear person in my life this weekend. While travelling, I was struck by how often we are told to do (or not do) something but are rarely shown. Often the very people who tell us what to do, fail to follow the instructions they are giving everyone else. Telling people what…
Read MoreGrateful Vigilance
A great friend of mine recently left a lucrative job because the person they were working for was “ungrateful, unreasonable, and unfair.” That first word, “ungrateful”, caught my attention. What is so important about gratitude, and why do we find the lack of it so distasteful? We just observed the Fourth of July, Independence Day…
Read MoreGetting To The Top
Mean people don’t climb mountains. I have yet to meet someone on a mountain that wasn’t pleasant, friendly, and helpful. Above the tree line, the climate and topography are trying to kill you, so people must stick together. Every year while on vacation in Colorado, my kids and I summit at least one fourteener. It…
Read MoreThe Shape Of Things
In a convenience store in Deer Trail, CO, I was behind a man at the checkout who had the F-word tattooed on the back of one arm and “OFF” on the back of the other. I assumed many of the same things you just did. Then I noticed he was with a child, who I…
Read MoreCatching Up
I used to be a runner. I used to be fast. I need you to trust me on this. Several of us would run around a local lake and often would have newer runners join us. They were usually slower. So, we would slow down and stay with them until we reached this one spot…
Read MoreAntisocial Media
I recently made the mistake of commenting on a post on social media. Two words in that sentence are critical. A “mistake” is an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong. Something is “social” when it relates to society or its organization. I have decided that engaging someone online that you disagree with is…
Read MoreBody Of Memories
“Gratitude is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind.” – Lionel Hampton What we remember (or don’t) about our past can define our future. Today, our nation observes Memorial Day to collectively remember and honor those who perished serving their country. As the families of those men and women know…
Read MorePost Manners
“It is, in fact, only the person who is afraid that someone may encroach upon their exceedingly insecure dignity, who shows neither courtesy nor consideration to any except those whom they consider it to their advantage to please.” Emily Post, Etiquette 1922 Society seems to have lost its way. There are so many things that…
Read MoreSay YES
Meg Salyer “Joy was one of our top core values.” Meg Salyer, co-founder of Accel Financial and respected community influencer, joins Thomas Hill for a delightful conversation about how to enjoy your workplace, the benefits of creating unity, and the importance of personal connection. From growing up on Long Island with “service as a part…
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