When A Win Isn’t

My youngest son and I went to the Big 12 Wrestling Championships this past weekend. We got to watch the best wrestlers in the Big 12 and we got to watch wrestlers from schools other than OSU also. If you are not from Oklahoma, then you probably don’t understand the rivalry between our two primary…

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Invited to Lead

Timila Rother “When someone trusts you, you feel compelled to do the right thing.” Timila Rother is the President and CEO of Crowe & Dunlevy, an Oklahoma based law firm begun in 1902. Today she joins Thomas Hill for a personal look at leadership and how the progression of opportunities to lead is based on…

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It’s The Real Thing

I have always been interested in branding and marketing. Done well, branding can create a recognizable identity that carries very complex messaging within very simple symbols and icons. I recently visited The World of Coca-Cola, a museum of sorts dedicated to the Coca-Cola brand. Asa Griggs Candler bought the formula and the brand for the…

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My Music, My Voice

Jabee “All of us are special in some way.” Jabee, musical artist and EMMY award winner, sat down with Thomas Hill for a sincere, heartfelt conversation about pain, the power of words, and what it means to be a leader in a highly competitive space.  From growing up as “that kid who felt like nobody…

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Heat Wave

“We’re having a heat wave” is a phrase I have heard several times recently as the plummeting temperatures and record snowfall we have experienced this past week begin to fade. One of the latest was a dear friend of mine, in response to reading that the high temp on Friday would be 33°. Something is wrong in…

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I Dreamed a Dream

Jane Jayroe Gamble Fulfilling a childhood dream, Jane Jayroe Gamble, was the first Miss America to visit a combat zone, beginning the Miss American tradition of providing entertainment to our military every year. Join her inspiring conversation with Thomas Hill as she describes her proudest accomplishment as being able to show value to American military…

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The Flower Next To Me

“A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms.” Zen Shin In 1724, a German physicist living in the Dutch Republic proposed a comparative scale for measuring temperature. He based his scale on three points: the low point as the freezing temperature of an ammonium salt brine solution…

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Love Is an Action

Wayland Cubit “The good leader is the person willing to sacrifice what they want for what other people need on a consistent basis.” Wayland Cubit, a Master Mentor and recognized leader in law enforcement, joins Thomas Hill for a riveting conversation that ranges from what makes a mentor effective to the underlying reason for racial…

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Final Disposition

I attended the funeral of my friend’s father on Friday. Historically, I have not been a fan of funerals in general, but this one was really nice. My friend’s father had served in the military during the Vietnam war, so there was an honor guard present. One of them played “Taps” before they lifted the…

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Relentless Expectations

Chris Brewster “Until we can say collectively that the children are thriving in our city, we have work to do.” Chris Brewster, founder and superintendent of Santa Fe South Schools, is passionate about seeing children thrive and flourish. Today he joins Thomas Hill for a compelling conversation about expectations, support, and the way company leaders…

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