Destined to be Different
In 1929 Frank Lloyd Wright designed a group of four towers for St. Mark’s-in-the-Bouwerie, in New York City. The proposed skyscrapers featured an abstract geometric “pinwheel” plan and an innovative “tap root” structure, with the floors cantilevered off a vertical core. However, the project was not built. In 1935 Wright proposed an ideal community, Broadacre…
Read MoreWho Tells Your Story
I got to see Hamilton with my family yesterday. To be completely honest, I saw Hamilton in Chicago in early June, but this was the first time for the rest of my family. It is an amazing show. Lin-Manuel Miranda’s writing is masterful and the musical ranges from funny and almost irreverent to solemn and…
Read MoreA Shadow Is Enough
I was in Canada this past week. I went for business, but we took some time to visit the lake where both the president of our Canadian distributor and their Kimray Product Specialist have cabins. We fished and broke bread together and were able to deepen our friendships. I went for my usual walk both…
Read MoreI Like Ike
I was privileged to spend last Monday and Tuesday with 55 young men and women from 11 different private Christian schools. The event we were attending is the Presidential Leadership Institute, held annually at York College in York, NE. PLI is a collaboration led by Strata Leadership, York College, People to People International and the National Christian School Association.…
Read MoreRead All About It
I had the pleasure of attending the Lyric production of “Newsies” Saturday night. Loosely based on the New York City Newsboys’ Strike of 1899, Newsies tells the story of young newspaper sellers who are exploited beyond reason by their bosses and set out to enact change. After forming a “union” and calling a strike, the…
Read MoreWe The (Quarky) People
We, the People, recognize that we have responsibilities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom which only asks what’s in it for me, a freedom without a commitment to others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism, is unworthy of our founding ideals, and those who…
Read MoreWhite Water
We just got back from our annual trek to Colorado. For me, the time we spend there each year is an important opportunity to unplug from my responsibilities at work. I love the mountains and being there helps me recharge so I can come back refreshed. As leaders, it is vital that we take time…
Read MoreBeauty And The Beast
I am on vacation this week, so this musing may be a little lighter than usual. As I sit watching the snow gently accumulate on the deck and the evergreens outside the window, I have been thinking about how easy it is to miss things. We are in Colorado for summer vacation, and yes, I…
Read MoreGetting To Know You
I apologize for referencing a film I just used a few weeks ago, but I was humming the song “Getting To Know You” from The King and I and I was struck by the lyrics. Getting to know you Getting to know all about you Getting to like you Getting to hope you like me…
Read MoreGreat Expectations
Depending on your expectations, this Musing is either unfortunately or fortunately not about the Charles Dickens novel. I would, however, like to retell a story about expectations. A butcher is watching over his shop one day when a dog comes in. He shoos him away, but the dog comes back. Then the butcher notices a…
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