The Script
In his book, Stein On Writing, Sol Stein (an author, playwright, editor and publisher) tells about an experience he had with the Playwrights Group of the Actors Studio in New York. In an improvisation exercise, Sol was given the part of the headmaster of a private school in New York for the privileged young. Another…
Read MoreNot My Problem
The story of the Good Samaritan is fairly well known, but in case you don’t know it let me recap. Dude makes decision to cut through bad part of town, alone, with valuable things on his person. Predictably, he is rolled by the bad guys and left for dead. Several people pass by him without…
Read MoreResolute
“How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?” Epictetus Half of the adults in the US will make one or more New Year’s resolutions. A quarter of those people will not stick with them past the first week. Less than half of them will still be maintaining their new…
Read MoreDestination (Un)Known
Life is so strange Destination unknown When you don’t know Your destination Something could change It’s unknown And then you won’t know Destination unknown Dale Bozzio, of Missing Persons, sings these lyrics on their album “Spring Session M” (which by the way is an anagram of the band’s name.) I always loved Dale’s vocals, but what made…
Read MoreMissing Beauty
“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” – Confucius I saw something posted on social media the other day. At first, I questioned the veracity of the story. So, I looked it up on and, lo and behold, it was true. “Washington Post writer Gene Weingarten in 2007 enlisted renowned violinist Joshua Bell, a…
Read MoreFinding Our Way
“A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” – Jean de La Fontaine In wooded areas masked by snow, wolves often take long, complex, winding, unplanned paths when hunting − but they can still return directly to the distant location of their pups. Elephants have been recorded navigating distances…
Read MoreArise & Shine
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” Isaiah 60:1 That verse is kind of the second part of a story. The first part is dark, but I will get to that in a bit. 2018 has been a bright year for the Kimray family. It feels…
Read MoreHope Is Not A Strategy
“Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.” Italian Proverb Today is a first at Kimray. Something happened today that has not happened before in our 70-year history. Today Kimray has a female executive. I am very excited to welcome Kelly Jennings as Vice President of People…
Read MoreDesigned on Purpose
The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes. Frank Lloyd Wright I had the immense privilege and honor of visiting the Meyer May House in Grand Rapids, MI, last night. I was with the creative team working on Cornerstone and we were hosted by Steelcase and Scott Rice. Not only did we visit the…
Read MoreThanks-Giving
“Thoughts do more. Words to much. Actions do much more.” ― Israelmore Ayivor Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It is simple really: no big buildup (unlike Christmas), low expectations (no gifts expected or anticipated), lots of comfort food (plus leftovers for days), and little to no controversy (unless you get into an argument over silly…
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