Old People From The Future

Recently, one of the “Shower Thoughts” in The Hustle was, “We are all dressed like old people from the future.” Well, maybe a few of us are dressed like old people from now, but the point is that what we are doing, thinking, and even wearing today will be replaced by other things and other people sooner…

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My Way Or The Highway

I’ve heard that line a lot in my life. Unfortunately, I’ve even said that line at times. While it may be true that a parent has the right to determine the rules in their house or a leader has the right to determine the way things will be done on their watch, the people hearing…

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Leggo My Ego

That’s not a misspelling. By ego, I mean a person’s sense of self-importance—not the crispy, fluffy, and delicious frozen waffle. At a recent Bison LeaderLink Leadership Panel, the speakers were asked what the most important characteristic was for a leader. Humility was one of the first mentioned, but then Sarah Roberts, VP of Programs for…

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It’s Not You, It’s Me

I was watching Where The Crawdads Sing with my wife and one son when a statement by the main character caught my attention. In a conversation with her lawyer about the reality of a jury of her peers judging her on what they knew about her, Kya Clark says, “They’re not deciding anything about me.…

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A Kind Of Strength

While playing Pickleball recently with some of our executive team, I heard someone say, “Don’t mistake kindness for weakness.” It was in reference to a team member who is characterized at work by being extremely helpful and willing to serve in any capacity. Despite their position, they are the first to pitch in (from picking…

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War Of Nerves

For years, we watched the reruns of M*A*S*H on network television. When I was in high school, I built a sound card for my Apple IIe computer and programmed it to play “Suicide is Painless”, the theme song from both the movie and the TV series. M*A*S*H originally ran for 11 seasons and had 256…

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Zero Day

I was wearing a concert shirt from the recent Smashing Pumpkins tour that simply says “ZERO” on it. At breakfast, a dear friend asked me if it was for “zero day.” He obviously has a limited range of music appreciation, but other than that, he’s a really great guy. I told him it was a…

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That’s Gonna Hurt

It has not been a great football season for my alma mater. One of the reasons is injuries. Sometimes people say, “He got hurt,” when they are talking about an injury that has taken someone out of the game. I always say to myself (which is something I am practicing),“The whole game hurts; that dude…

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Grateful To Be

I’ve been rewatching Yellowstone. At one point, a Native American elder tells a younger man, “You must stand on a cliff of death to understand your purpose in life. It’s the only place where you can see it.” At first, that may seem a little extreme, but there is significant truth there. Unfortunately, we are sometimes…

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Baby Cows

I like baby cows. Actually, I like the concept of baby cows. Real baby cows are smelly, dirty, and require a lot of care. I don’t want an actual baby cow; I just like the idea of baby cows. I think sometimes we have a lot of things in our lives where we like the…

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