Leak Detection

I spent the weekend at a dear friend’s lake house with several other friends. We are all the senior leaders in our organizations, and we enjoy getting to talk through and process things with each other. We also like to eat great food. In the midst of smoking meat, grilling, making great coffee and other…

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When our children were very little, we played peek-a-boo with them. It was a simple game; we hid our faces with our hands and then opened our hands and said “peek-a-boo” to the delight of the child. Eventually, they would mimic this game themselves, delighted they could “hide” from us behind their hands. Peek-a-boo only…

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Last week on my birthday, I saw U2 perform at The Sphere in Las Vegas. It was the best show I have ever seen. At the end of the song “One” Bono said, “Love each other, it’s a command, not a suggestion.” Interestingly, I had received an email from a team member the day before telling…

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35,000 Feet

When I fly, I like to watch the ground get farther away as the plane climbs into the air. Pretty quickly, the cars, buildings, and roads become small, and the things that are too big to see from the ground come into view. Things look very different from 35,000 feet. Perspective. The ability to see…

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I recently watched a documentary about the Yellowstone Caldera and supervolcano. If Yellowstone were to have another large eruption, it would likely be the end of the world as we know it (TEOTWAWKI). The three historic eruptions in Yellowstone were about one million years apart with the latest being 640,000 years ago, so we probably don’t have anything to…

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Local Flavor

I was in Kansas City for our annual Sales Summit last week. A great part of travelling is the opportunity to experience local flavor. KC is known for barbeque (specifically burnt ends), but my wife thinks it should be known for narrow winding streets and tiny parking spaces!  The word barbecue comes from the language…

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Killing Me

Around 1980, I discovered KCSC, the classical music station from Edmond, Oklahoma’s Central State University. Classical during the day, but after midnight, a show called The Insect Lounge played music that wasn’t seeing the light of day in Oklahoma—punk rock. And I’ve been punk ever since. By 1987, punk was a little more mainstream, and one of…

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Wild And Precious

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” This quote from Mary Oliver’s “The Summer Day” is often used in motivational talks, articles, and Facebook posts. Unfortunately, I believe they misinterpret Oliver’s intentions in writing those lines. The poem describes a day of quiet solitude, paying attention…

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Enjoy Every Sandwich

After reading a particularly apocalyptic article about AI, I texted a friend who is a Futurist and asked, “Are we all going to die?” His response was, “Yes, we are all going to die. Just not from synthetic intelligence killing us. More from bad eating habits, stress, and lack of exercise.”  I’ve been listening to…

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Some Assembly Required

I have a 1969 Mustang coupe named Donna. Actually, I have all the parts of a Mustang. She still needs to be reassembled, which is no easy task. It didn’t take long to take her apart, even allowing for time to take lots of pictures and notes about where everything went. Putting her back together…

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