Hike Your Own Hike

I just returned from Yosemite National Park. Once a year I go on a retreat with a handful of men who are committed to helping each other be great husbands, fathers and leaders. We hike together, eat together, share life together and encourage one another. It has become one of my most cherished times of…

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99 & 1

I had the opportunity last week to meet with Scott Klososky from TriCorps and our own Matthew Bertram to talk about technology at Kimray. Machine Intelligence will continue to have significant impact on our lives both at and away from work. We will get used to hearing words like robotics, robotic process automation, artificial intelligence,…

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Making Change

This has happened to most of us at least once. You are at a store and you pay for your items with cash. The cashier gives you back your change and you notice that although they owed you $10 and change, they gave you back a twenty and change. What do you do? We all…

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Future Me Hates Me

I was listening to a new album by The Beths and the song, Future Me Hates Me, got me thinking. Liz is singing about knowing that she is falling for a guy in spite of not wanting to. She knows from experience that this is likely to end badly and acknowledges this in the chorus:…

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Purpose Built

Someone I care very deeply about sent me an article titled, “What if All I Want is a Mediocre Life?” by Krista O’Reilly Davi-Digui, along with a text that said, “This is how I am feeling right now.” I would encourage you to read the article, but the synopsis is, “What if I am happy…

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How many things are you certain about? I mean absolutely, positively, no doubt about it, certain. If you are like most people, the answer is, “not many.” I used to be certain about most things. I “knew” I was right, and I worked hard to help others see things my way. However, that certainty wasn’t…

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Be Generous

I am often asked where the topics for these Monday Musings come from. They are simply me writing about what I am thinking about. Of course, I don’t write about everything I think about as that would be weird and take up all my time, but I do find certain concepts and topics occupy me…

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The Privileged Few

“Hating Millennials is all the rage these days. One need not look far to find some article complaining about how members of that odious generation, defined usually as those born in the period from the early 1980s to the late 1990s are lazy, distracted, technology-obsessed, privacy-averse, unemployed, socialist, or whatever other defect or trend a…

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We have nothing to fear but fear itself, and spiders.

I used to be an arachnophobe. However, a phobia is an irrational fear as opposed to a rational fear. Since I was hunted and bitten by a particularly venomous (and downright mean) eight-legged devil, I now have a completely rational fear of spiders, and a nasty and painful wound. Many believe the amygdala, a tiny,…

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Living In The Limelight

Have you ever made a mistake or committed a social gaffe and then felt as if everyone was watching you, sure that every person in the room noticed and would forever remember your faux pas? Everyone has. This is so common it even has a name, The Spotlight Effect. In a paper titled, “The Spotlight…

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