Ridin’ The Storm Out

REO Speedwagon is a 70’s rock quintet named after a light motor truck introduced in 1915 by the REO Motor Car Company. The REO Speedwagon (the truck) served as delivery, tow, dump, and fire trucks, as well as hearses and ambulances. REO Speedwagon (the band) was founded by Neal Allan Doughty who, like the founder…

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Happy New Year?

When we wish someone a ‘Happy New Year’ it is not the emotion of happiness we are invoking, rather we are wishing them a fortunate and lucky year. Interestingly, a wish is a strong desire for something that probably won’t happen. So as we welcome in the new year, we are (mostly inadvertently) saying, “I…

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Oh, But Change Of Heart Comes Slow

That’s a line from a song by U2 brought to my mind recently as I contemplated the world around me. I was able to attend a concert by The 1975 this past weekend with my boys. Midway through the show the lead singer, Matty Healy, played a recording of a call to action from activist…

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For Or Against

“The rivalry is with ourself.” – Luciano Pavarotti Saturday morning a good friend of mine messaged me from the Texas State Fair, “It’s 9:08 and you can already feel the hate.” the text said. He happens to be an OU fan, but he is also one of the most empathetic and gentle people I know.…

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Overcoming Inertia

“Nothing happens until something moves.” ― Albert Einstein Newton’s First Law tells us that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. This is sometimes referred to as the Law of Inertia. Objects tend to keep on doing what they’re doing. This natural tendency…

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Bear In Mind

There are approximately 750,000 black bears in North America. They have killed 67 people since 1900. This fact became fairly important to me Wednesday when I came face to face with a black bear on a trail in Grand Teton National Park. I was on my annual trip with the Whistlepigs, a CEO peer group…

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Enormously Good

This past week several team members from Kimray attended the Annual Gathering of the Games. We heard great speakers and attended breakout sessions packed with information and examples that we are bringing back to improve how we play the game. If this is the first time you have heard of running a business referred to…

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A Happy Life

In “Meditations”, Marcus Aurelius writes, “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” I have been reading a lot lately about the cultural perceptions that impact how we think about ourselves and others. There are too many to address in a simple musing, so…

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Destined to be Different

In 1929 Frank Lloyd Wright designed a group of four towers for St. Mark’s-in-the-Bouwerie, in New York City. The proposed skyscrapers featured an abstract geometric “pinwheel” plan and an innovative “tap root” structure, with the floors cantilevered off a vertical core. However, the project was not built. In 1935 Wright proposed an ideal community, Broadacre…

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Don’t Panic

The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy tells us that “A towel is just about the most massively useful thing any interstellar hitchhiker can carry. Partly it has great practical value…. more importantly, a towel has immense psychological value.” We just got new towels. New towels are marvelous things. They are soft, fluffy and luxurious. The…

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