Rubber Band Man

Yes, that is a song by the R&B group, The Spinners, released in 1978, but that is not the point. Donna is a 1969 Mustang Coupe. Her family includes both the Mach 1 (250 hp) and the Boss 302 (290 hp), but Donna was born a “base” model. She has the 302 cubic inch block…

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Natural Born Leader

The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers. Ralph Nader I used to tell people that I was born to be an engineer. It seemed to me that the ease with which I learned math and mechanics, my ability to visualize and design, and the speed at which I could do…

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I Choose “C”

I rediscovered an album I hadn’t listened to for a very long time. “Everything That Happens Will Happen Today” is a collaboration between David Byrne (Talking Heads) and Brian Eno (Roxy Music). I was listening to collaborations because that was the theme of much of our work on the trip to Steelcase. In the song…

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“How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?” Epictetus Half of the adults in the US will make one or more New Year’s resolutions. A quarter of those people will not stick with them past the first week. Less than half of them will still be maintaining their new…

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Finding Our Way

“A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” – Jean de La Fontaine In wooded areas masked by snow, wolves often take long, complex, winding, unplanned paths when hunting − but they can still return directly to the distant location of their pups. Elephants have been recorded navigating distances…

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Brain Drain

I had the distinct pleasure of hearing Dr. Nathan Mellor speak at the OBU Bison Connection luncheon last Thursday at the JASCO Event Center. It was a pleasure for a range of reasons. Steve Trice, the Chairman of JASCO is on our board and it is always a pleasure to see him, especially on his…

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Paradox of Life

The world is a contradiction; the universe a paradox – Kedar Joshi Paradox: involving contradictory yet interrelated elements that exist simultaneously and persist over time. Another way to say it would be that a paradox is comprised of two sides that appear to be opposing, but in fact are mutually supportive. “Less in more.” “I…

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Silly Putty Isn’t

I remember being fascinated by Silly Putty as a young person. If you formed it into a ball, it would bounce very much like the hard rubber balls we got from “gumball” machines. If you pulled it slowly, you could stretch it into a thread a mile long. However, if you pulled it hard and…

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Not Running, But Remembering

I didn’t run the 18th Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon on Sunday, but I did a lot of remembering. I ran the first 17 Memorial Marathons and co-founded the race. Every year as the race approached more and more people would ask me, “are you ready to run?” and every year I would say yes. This…

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We Bought A Sofa

When you raise six kids in a house, things get a little worn. So, when my wife finally decided she wanted a new sofa for the family room I said, “Sure!” Several days of shopping and selecting fabrics (spread over a few weeks) later and the new furniture was on order. The new sofa (two…

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