Colorful Expectations

It disturbs me when I open a package of M&M’s and there are significant differences in the quantity of each color. When I was about six, I sorted an entire box of Fruit Loops by color, only to be terribly disappointed that there were vastly different amounts of red, orange, and yellow (the only three…

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An Intimate Endeavor

My wife and I took our only daughter to college this past Saturday. It is worth noting that we’ve done this 3 times before with sons. This time it was different for me. I love the boys, but I did not have the same emotions about them leaving as I did with my only daughter.…

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Words Matter

The saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is a lie. Words have the power to build or destroy. Words have the ability to open people to possibility or close them off. Words matter, and they matter most when they are used by people we care about and…

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