Walking In The Light

Walking early in the morning, I have noticed how the color of things around me changes as the sun begins to rise. When it is still mostly dark with just a hint of light in the eastern sky, the colors I can see are muted. In the circle around a streetlamp, everything is tinted with…

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Lost Sheep

“If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them gets lost, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it?” Jesus (Luke 15) This is part of a parable Jesus told some people who were…

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The Collector

We made our annual trek to Colorado on Sunday. Sometimes we take the scenic route through the Oklahoma and Texas panhandles and up into Colorado and the mountains from the South. This year, the crew opted for the straight drive north to Salina and then across the plains to the mountains. The drive is mostly…

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For Or Against

“The rivalry is with ourself.” – Luciano Pavarotti Saturday morning a good friend of mine messaged me from the Texas State Fair, “It’s 9:08 and you can already feel the hate.” the text said. He happens to be an OU fan, but he is also one of the most empathetic and gentle people I know.…

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The Script

In his book, Stein On Writing, Sol Stein (an author, playwright, editor and publisher) tells about an experience he had with the Playwrights Group of the Actors Studio in New York. In an improvisation exercise, Sol was given the part of the headmaster of a private school in New York for the privileged young. Another…

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Put Your Behind in Your Past

This weekend I had the immeasurable pleasure of watching the fifth through eighth graders of Crossings Christian School perform Disney’s The Lion King Jr. It was a fantastic musical, and the kids did a great job. Some of the vocal and acting talent, given their young ages, was stunning. Additionally, my lovely daughter, who is…

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Love & Peace

What good is love and peace on earth? When it’s exclusive? Where’s the truth in the written word? If no one reads it A new day dawning Comes without warning So don’t blink twice We live in troubled times This is a lyric from the song “Troubled Times” on the new Green Day album. Two…

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All Apologies

I came across an interesting article by Jelena Woehr about apologizing like you really mean it. To quote from the article: If you were wronged by an observant Jew in the past year, you may have received a phone call or visit seeking forgiveness. This is because during the Days of Awe — the ten days beginning…

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