All Hands On Deck

We built a deck at my son’s house last week. Of course, we chose the hottest week of the year so far to be outside lifting 2×10’s into place and running an overheating screw gun. It was brutal, but it was also fun and very satisfying. You will have to take my word for it…

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The Best-Laid Grass

While spending two days discussing high beam planning with the officer team, we had a second-floor overview of an intriguing process. In the center of the grass courtyard below us, workers began removing sod from a carefully measured circle about 50 feet in diameter. We learned from one of the workers that they were raising…

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The Eyes Have It

I wish I could see like a chameleon, but I wouldn’t want to look like one. They have panoramic binocular eyes which can move independently from each other giving them 360° vision. That kind of sight would be very helpful to a parent! Each creatures’ eyes are uniquely suited to their way of life. Eagles can…

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Who Tells Your Story

I got to see Hamilton with my family yesterday. To be completely honest, I saw Hamilton in Chicago in early June, but this was the first time for the rest of my family. It is an amazing show. Lin-Manuel Miranda’s writing is masterful and the musical ranges from funny and almost irreverent to solemn and…

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I Choose “C”

I rediscovered an album I hadn’t listened to for a very long time. “Everything That Happens Will Happen Today” is a collaboration between David Byrne (Talking Heads) and Brian Eno (Roxy Music). I was listening to collaborations because that was the theme of much of our work on the trip to Steelcase. In the song…

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A Continuum

“We are a continuum. Just as we reach back to our ancestors for our fundamental values, so we, as guardians of that legacy, must reach ahead to our children and their children. And we do so with a sense of sacredness in that reaching.”  Paul Tsongas We recently held the Annual Kimray Shareholder meeting. Over…

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