Sum It Up

Résumé comes from the French, résumer, meaning “to sum up.” Curriculum Vitae, more commonly referred to by its shorthand abbreviation CV, is a Latin term meaning “course of life.” A résumé lists work history and experiences along with a brief summary of skills and education; the CV is a far more comprehensive document listing—in thoughtful…

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The Collector

We made our annual trek to Colorado on Sunday. Sometimes we take the scenic route through the Oklahoma and Texas panhandles and up into Colorado and the mountains from the South. This year, the crew opted for the straight drive north to Salina and then across the plains to the mountains. The drive is mostly…

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Destined to be Different

In 1929 Frank Lloyd Wright designed a group of four towers for St. Mark’s-in-the-Bouwerie, in New York City. The proposed skyscrapers featured an abstract geometric “pinwheel” plan and an innovative “tap root” structure, with the floors cantilevered off a vertical core. However, the project was not built. In 1935 Wright proposed an ideal community, Broadacre…

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Natural Born Leader

The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers. Ralph Nader I used to tell people that I was born to be an engineer. It seemed to me that the ease with which I learned math and mechanics, my ability to visualize and design, and the speed at which I could do…

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