
I have a good friend who puts extra salt on everything. With some effort, I have been able to convince them to at least try the food before adding salt, but after a taste, the salt always goes on. We have five basic tastes: salt, sweet, sour, bitter and umami (the taste of glutamic acid).…

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Mowing The Grass

I mowed my lawn again this weekend. Actually, it was Friday, but many people consider that the beginning of the weekend, so I think that counts. I have cool season grass in my backyard, and this time of year it grows like crazy. It really needs mowing twice a week to keep it in any…

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Form Follows Function

The Eiffel Tower climbs 1,063 ft into the Parisian sky. The base is 410 ft on each side. When the tower was built, Eiffel was accused of creating something artistic with no regard to the principles of engineering. He replied in a newspaper interview on 14 February 1887: “Is it not true that the very…

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Compound Interest

I was talking to someone recently about our 401K program at Kimray. There is the initial benefit of the Kimray match that doubles your money, but the real magic of an investment account is the compounded interest over time. The simple math is that if a 25-year-old who makes $40K a year puts 5% of…

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Some Words Are Deeds

The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. – Eliezer Wiesel Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, also called MLK Day, an American federal holiday marking the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. King was the most visible spokesperson and leader in the Civil Rights Movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968. While most of…

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Friday Comes on Tuesday

Thursday, after visiting the Walmart museum in Bentonville, AR, I was at the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. The museum was designed by Moshe Safdie and is an amazing and wonderful place. We had made our way through about half the galleries, taken an architecture tour and eaten lunch at Eleven (named because the…

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This weekend I got to reconnect with my cousin, Vera, who is 3. She is named after my grandmother, whom I loved very much, so she is special to me. She lives in California, so I don’t get to see her much, but I really enjoyed getting to spend a little time with her and…

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Enormously Good

This past week several team members from Kimray attended the Annual Gathering of the Games. We heard great speakers and attended breakout sessions packed with information and examples that we are bringing back to improve how we play the game. If this is the first time you have heard of running a business referred to…

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I Am Jack’s Wasted Life

“We buy things we don’t need, with money we don’t have, to impress people we don’t like.” Tyler Durden in Fight Club I re-read the following story a few nights ago. I was unable to track down the origin of this parable, so I repeat it here without citation. A group of alumni, highly established…

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The Privileged Few

“Hating Millennials is all the rage these days. One need not look far to find some article complaining about how members of that odious generation, defined usually as those born in the period from the early 1980s to the late 1990s are lazy, distracted, technology-obsessed, privacy-averse, unemployed, socialist, or whatever other defect or trend a…

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