Trust Issues

My son borrowed his friend’s dad’s Mercedes AMG convertible for prom. When he told me he might borrow the car and asked me what I thought, I tried to be careful how I responded. Growing up, we didn’t have friends with cars that nice. I went to prom in my ’65 Chevelle Malibu (no, it…

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Sum It Up

Résumé comes from the French, résumer, meaning “to sum up.” Curriculum Vitae, more commonly referred to by its shorthand abbreviation CV, is a Latin term meaning “course of life.” A résumé lists work history and experiences along with a brief summary of skills and education; the CV is a far more comprehensive document listing—in thoughtful…

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If You’re Bored, Then You’re Boring

Today is Veterans Day. Join me in thanking the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. Their willingness to serve us at home and abroad in the defense of freedom deserves our respect and humble honor. May God bless them and their families, keep them from harm, and bring them home safely. Kudos to…

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Intermittent Connectivity

This may be the story of my life. Technology is fantastic until it isn’t. I am currently on a trip to Grand Rapids, MI, as we continue the process of programming the space within Cornerstone. I came up early with our architect and project manager in order to visit someone we met shortly the last…

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Designed on Purpose

The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes. Frank Lloyd Wright I had the immense privilege and honor of visiting the Meyer May House in Grand Rapids, MI, last night. I was with the creative team working on Cornerstone and we were hosted by Steelcase and Scott Rice. Not only did we visit the…

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Know Pain, Know Gain

Wednesday evening my back spasmed and locked up. This has happened before. Actually, quite a few times. This time it was worse than it had ever been. Later Wednesday night I had a full-blown panic attack. The pain was unbearable, I needed to move, but couldn’t. I was drowning. I was sweating. My heart was…

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Social Animals

My wife and I spent the better part of Memorial Day weekend with our children. All of them. 6 kids, ages 13 to 23, one daughter-in-law, and one amazingly beautiful granddaughter. That is not the impetus for the title, although for a stretch of the day, when the boys were in the pool, the term…

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