
I was in California this weekend to look at cars with my youngest son, his friends, and their dads. Fast cars, historic cars, unique cars, expensive cars. Driving between locations we also saw some spectacular cars on the street. What we also saw on the street were human beings living in tents, broken down vehicles,…

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White Water

We just got back from our annual trek to Colorado. For me, the time we spend there each year is an important opportunity to unplug from my responsibilities at work. I love the mountains and being there helps me recharge so I can come back refreshed. As leaders, it is vital that we take time…

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Limits of Power

I just finished reading Malcolm Gladwell’s “David & Goliath.” I know, it came out several years ago. So, I’m a little behind on my reading pile. Nevertheless, I found the book fascinating. Gladwell knits together several stories about very different people and circumstances to define a thesis: there is an inverted curve function when it…

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99 & 1

I had the opportunity last week to meet with Scott Klososky from TriCorps and our own Matthew Bertram to talk about technology at Kimray. Machine Intelligence will continue to have significant impact on our lives both at and away from work. We will get used to hearing words like robotics, robotic process automation, artificial intelligence,…

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An Intimate Endeavor

My wife and I took our only daughter to college this past Saturday. It is worth noting that we’ve done this 3 times before with sons. This time it was different for me. I love the boys, but I did not have the same emotions about them leaving as I did with my only daughter.…

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Paradox of Life

The world is a contradiction; the universe a paradox – Kedar Joshi Paradox: involving contradictory yet interrelated elements that exist simultaneously and persist over time. Another way to say it would be that a paradox is comprised of two sides that appear to be opposing, but in fact are mutually supportive. “Less in more.” “I…

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