The Script

In his book, Stein On Writing, Sol Stein (an author, playwright, editor and publisher) tells about an experience he had with the Playwrights Group of the Actors Studio in New York. In an improvisation exercise, Sol was given the part of the headmaster of a private school in New York for the privileged young. Another…

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Hope Is Not A Strategy

“Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.” Italian Proverb Today is a first at Kimray. Something happened today that has not happened before in our 70-year history. Today Kimray has a female executive. I am very excited to welcome Kelly Jennings as Vice President of People…

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99 & 1

I had the opportunity last week to meet with Scott Klososky from TriCorps and our own Matthew Bertram to talk about technology at Kimray. Machine Intelligence will continue to have significant impact on our lives both at and away from work. We will get used to hearing words like robotics, robotic process automation, artificial intelligence,…

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The Privileged Few

“Hating Millennials is all the rage these days. One need not look far to find some article complaining about how members of that odious generation, defined usually as those born in the period from the early 1980s to the late 1990s are lazy, distracted, technology-obsessed, privacy-averse, unemployed, socialist, or whatever other defect or trend a…

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Living In The Limelight

Have you ever made a mistake or committed a social gaffe and then felt as if everyone was watching you, sure that every person in the room noticed and would forever remember your faux pas? Everyone has. This is so common it even has a name, The Spotlight Effect. In a paper titled, “The Spotlight…

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An Intimate Endeavor

My wife and I took our only daughter to college this past Saturday. It is worth noting that we’ve done this 3 times before with sons. This time it was different for me. I love the boys, but I did not have the same emotions about them leaving as I did with my only daughter.…

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Cultural Camouflage

In the summer my family likes to attend the evening service at another church because they do a series called “At The Movies.” The pastor teaches a biblical truth using the story in a popular movie, complete with clips from the film. I am always amazed at how the truth in the story, even when…

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Paradox of Life

The world is a contradiction; the universe a paradox – Kedar Joshi Paradox: involving contradictory yet interrelated elements that exist simultaneously and persist over time. Another way to say it would be that a paradox is comprised of two sides that appear to be opposing, but in fact are mutually supportive. “Less in more.” “I…

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Good Neighbors

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of…

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Not Guilty

Imagine for a minute that you are the new chief executive officer of a large corporation. You call in your chief financial officer to give you an overview of the company finances, so you can determine what course to take. The CFO comes in with her charts and graphs and explains in great detail the…

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