Be Good To Yourself

I have always said there is truth in Rock-n-Roll. Popular music is just that, because it is about themes we can all relate to—like love and heartbreak, winning and losing, being lost and becoming found, and all the others of an endless array of experience and emotion. One of the bands that resonated with my…

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Momentary Lapse

Recently, someone asked me how I was doing, and I heard myself say, “I’m really busy, but once I get past the next couple of weeks…” I wish I had corrected myself right then, but it wasn’t until later that I realized the tragic mistake I was making. I was wasting my life by letting…

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Sick And Tired

I got sick this past week, and I should have seen it coming. I have less than optimum sinuses. Two surgeries and a lot of OTC meds later, I live a mostly normal life, but from time to time I miss the clues, fail to care for myself, and end up with a sinus infection.…

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Fake Plastic Trees

Are you tired? Not “I only got three hours of sleep last night…” tired, but weary, soul heavy, worn-out tired. Have you ever used a paper towel to scrub the stove? It works for a few swipes, but then it rapidly starts falling apart and turning to mush. The paper towel wasn’t meant to be…

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I Can See Clearly Now

I think I know how Johnny Cash felt when he wrote that song. I can see clearly now the rain is goneI can see all obstacles in my wayGone are the dark clouds that had me blindIt’s gonna be a bright sunshiny day As I write this musing, I am near Essex, Montana, on the…

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Form Follows Function

The Eiffel Tower climbs 1,063 ft into the Parisian sky. The base is 410 ft on each side. When the tower was built, Eiffel was accused of creating something artistic with no regard to the principles of engineering. He replied in a newspaper interview on 14 February 1887: “Is it not true that the very…

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Let’s Get Physical

That title may cause you to think of the 1981 Platinum hit by Olivia Newton-John. I have been thinking about a lyric from the song, but I’m not thinking about what Olivia was thinking about. In the chorus, Olivia says, “Let me hear your body talk.” Our bodies do speak to us. Before recovery, I…

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Jumping Over The Lines

About nine years ago, a neighbor and I painted a labyrinth in the cul-de-sac in front of my house. Our labyrinth is a 54 foot diameter replica of the eleven circuit labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral in France. During this COVID-19 shelter-in-place we decided to repaint the labyrinth, and over the course of several evenings we were able to get…

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Grow Your Own

“Leadership is not about you; it’s about investing in the growth of others.” Ken Blanchard The average adult human body contains over 30 trillion cells. Every single adult started as a single cell that divided into 2, then 2 divided into 4, then into 8 and so on. This is growth. When we were babies, our…

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Human “Being”

A therapist of mine once told me I was a human “doing” and I should be a human “being.” I was bent on performance and accomplishment at the time, and I often failed to experience the relationships and environments around me. If you had asked me at the time what my favorite part of any…

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