The Best-Laid Grass

While spending two days discussing high beam planning with the officer team, we had a second-floor overview of an intriguing process. In the center of the grass courtyard below us, workers began removing sod from a carefully measured circle about 50 feet in diameter. We learned from one of the workers that they were raising…

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Red Flag

Sunday, September 6, something happened at the Italian Grand Prix that has not happened in an F1 race in eight years. Under the sun at Monza, the podium (first three places) did not include Mercedes, Ferrari, or Red Bull drivers. Third place was a driver who had only been on the podium once before (in…

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Round Up

Recently I had the opportunity to visit a ranch, owned by a friend here in Oklahoma, during their spring branding. I was fascinated as I watched the cowboys (and girls) work the cattle much the way it has been done for decades. By the time I arrived, the cowboys had already rounded up the calves…

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Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself (And Spiders)

I designed a shirt once that said, “There is nothing to fear but fear itself…and spiders.” You can see the design here. The shirt would be gray with black and red print. The ‘l’ in ‘itself’ extends down as the web and ends in a black widow spider. There is another spider on the back, left…

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Safety In Numbers

While most of us would be stopped short by the violence and criminal activity, many of us have probably thought at least once that it would be awesome to belong to a gang. In interviews with gang members, Joe Killian, a writer for the News and Record, reported that they considered fellow gang members to…

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Compound Interest

I was talking to someone recently about our 401K program at Kimray. There is the initial benefit of the Kimray match that doubles your money, but the real magic of an investment account is the compounded interest over time. The simple math is that if a 25-year-old who makes $40K a year puts 5% of…

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Risky Business

In the 1983 movie by the same name, Joel Goodsen (Tom Cruise) nearly makes a career out of misunderstanding the risks associated with several decisions he makes while his parents are out of town. Unfortunately, this is not just the purview of coming-of-age comedy films. We often fail to understand and accurately assess the risks…

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Setting The Curve

When I was in engineering school, I took a few classes early on that were designed to weed out those who were not able or willing to do the work necessary. I remember one particular class, taught by the head of the department. On the first day of class he had us look at the…

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Doomsday Prep For Non-Paranoid People

That is the title of an amusing article I read by Leigh Anderson. I will warn you there is a bad word in the article, but overall I found it funny and thought-provoking. Reading this article coincided with Kimray’s Annual Shareholders Meeting where the subject of “what do we do if something bad happens” almost always…

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To Protect and To Serve

I noticed a police car the other day. Not that I don’t notice police cars when I see them, but the way I look at them these days is different. I used to see them as potential problems, and my unconscious response was to check my speed. Since I no longer speed and am not…

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