Raising The Roof

A couple weekends ago we built a house. By “built” I mean framed the walls and sheeted the outside, and by “we” I mean a very large group of Kimray Team members. It was amazing and awesome and humbling. The day dawned wet and with the potential for more rain. I was concerned that the…

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Intermittent Connectivity

This may be the story of my life. Technology is fantastic until it isn’t. I am currently on a trip to Grand Rapids, MI, as we continue the process of programming the space within Cornerstone. I came up early with our architect and project manager in order to visit someone we met shortly the last…

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Not My Problem

The story of the Good Samaritan is fairly well known, but in case you don’t know it let me recap. Dude makes decision to cut through bad part of town, alone, with valuable things on his person. Predictably, he is rolled by the bad guys and left for dead. Several people pass by him without…

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“Thoughts do more. Words to much. Actions do much more.” ― Israelmore Ayivor Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It is simple really: no big buildup (unlike Christmas), low expectations (no gifts expected or anticipated), lots of comfort food (plus leftovers for days), and little to no controversy (unless you get into an argument over silly…

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Making Change

This has happened to most of us at least once. You are at a store and you pay for your items with cash. The cashier gives you back your change and you notice that although they owed you $10 and change, they gave you back a twenty and change. What do you do? We all…

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Be Generous

I am often asked where the topics for these Monday Musings come from. They are simply me writing about what I am thinking about. Of course, I don’t write about everything I think about as that would be weird and take up all my time, but I do find certain concepts and topics occupy me…

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Setting The Ball

Mother’s Day Version 2018 went pretty well at our house. Our children took it upon themselves, together and in small groups, to plan and prepare dinner, procure flowers and chocolate, and invite and coordinate with the grandmothers. I still find it ironic that on Father’s Day dads get to sleep in, play golf, watch TV…

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A Meaningful Day

My father served in the U.S. Marine Corps and fought in Vietnam. He doesn’t talk about it much. Growing up, I don’t remember it being the topic of conversation or discussion much at all. From what I have heard him say and the few pictures I have seen, that was a very dark and difficult…

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