All Hands On Deck

We built a deck at my son’s house last week. Of course, we chose the hottest week of the year so far to be outside lifting 2×10’s into place and running an overheating screw gun. It was brutal, but it was also fun and very satisfying. You will have to take my word for it…

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A Work Of Art

The Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis (which I recently visited) is an incredible testimony to determination, creativity, and faith. Started in 1907, the structure was completed in 1914, but it took several more decades for the church to be “finished.” One of the reasons it took so long is the church contains 83,000 square feet…

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Safety In Numbers

As our last child is a senior in high school this year, we have seen many “lasts.” One was our last Christmas band concert. I must admit, I have, over the years, been an impatient and at times intolerant concert goer. This year was different. I not only really enjoyed the program, but I realized something…

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Getting To The Top

Mean people don’t climb mountains. I have yet to meet someone on a mountain that wasn’t pleasant, friendly, and helpful. Above the tree line, the climate and topography are trying to kill you, so people must stick together. Every year while on vacation in Colorado, my kids and I summit at least one fourteener. It…

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I love fireworks. I have always had a fascination with fire and explosions. So much so, that as a very young person I read everything I could find about pyrotechnics (fireworks) and started experimenting to make my own fireworks. My parents had given me a fairly extensive chemistry set for a Christmas present, and I…

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White Water

We just got back from our annual trek to Colorado. For me, the time we spend there each year is an important opportunity to unplug from my responsibilities at work. I love the mountains and being there helps me recharge so I can come back refreshed. As leaders, it is vital that we take time…

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Raising The Roof

A couple weekends ago we built a house. By “built” I mean framed the walls and sheeted the outside, and by “we” I mean a very large group of Kimray Team members. It was amazing and awesome and humbling. The day dawned wet and with the potential for more rain. I was concerned that the…

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Be Generous

I am often asked where the topics for these Monday Musings come from. They are simply me writing about what I am thinking about. Of course, I don’t write about everything I think about as that would be weird and take up all my time, but I do find certain concepts and topics occupy me…

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There’s No Need To Fear, Underdog Is Here!

Super Bowl LII Tom Brady passed for 505 yds. (record), attempted 48 passes without an interception (record), appeared in his 8th SB (record), set the record for most completions of 20+ yds. in a single SB, and set the record for the most career touchdown passes in super bowls (among many other records personally and…

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I’m going to forgive you in advance because I know most of you are not aware that Bob Taylor died last week. I’m also going to forgive you for not knowing who Bob Taylor was. Teams led by Robert Taylor pioneered or perfected many of the innovations we associate with modern computing: the computer mouse,…

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