Water And Trees

One of the enjoyable things I get to do as a CEO is work with a wonderful board of directors. During a recent board retreat, we had a facilitator join us to help work through some difficult decisions. This person happens to be a good friend of mine. During our day, he said something that…

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Borrowed Vision

Nestled into the landscape in the Sonoran Desert above Phoenix sits Taliesin West, architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s winter home and studio. Wright and his students (the Taliesin Fellowship) lived and worked there during the winters from 1937 until Wright’s death in 1959. I went to Taliesin last week to see the architecture again but also…

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Missing Beauty

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” – Confucius I saw something posted on social media the other day. At first, I questioned the veracity of the story. So, I looked it up on Snopes.com and, lo and behold, it was true. “Washington Post writer Gene Weingarten in 2007 enlisted renowned violinist Joshua Bell, a…

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Purpose Built

Someone I care very deeply about sent me an article titled, “What if All I Want is a Mediocre Life?” by Krista O’Reilly Davi-Digui, along with a text that said, “This is how I am feeling right now.” I would encourage you to read the article, but the synopsis is, “What if I am happy…

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