Vision Without Sight

“The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but no vision.” ― Helen Keller Each year during our family vacation to Colorado, my kids and I climb at least one 14,000 ft peak (a 14er.) I say climb, it’s really a very difficult walk over loose rock and sometimes snow that…

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Who Tells Your Story

I got to see Hamilton with my family yesterday. To be completely honest, I saw Hamilton in Chicago in early June, but this was the first time for the rest of my family. It is an amazing show. Lin-Manuel Miranda’s writing is masterful and the musical ranges from funny and almost irreverent to solemn and…

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I Choose “C”

I rediscovered an album I hadn’t listened to for a very long time. “Everything That Happens Will Happen Today” is a collaboration between David Byrne (Talking Heads) and Brian Eno (Roxy Music). I was listening to collaborations because that was the theme of much of our work on the trip to Steelcase. In the song…

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Destination (Un)Known

 Life is so strange Destination unknown When you don’t know Your destination Something could change It’s unknown And then you won’t know Destination unknown Dale Bozzio, of Missing Persons, sings these lyrics on their album “Spring Session M” (which by the way is an anagram of the band’s name.) I always loved Dale’s vocals, but what made…

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More Human than Trans-human

I recently attended the annual Think Tank hosted by TriCorps Technology. This year the subject was Machine Intelligence, or MI. Scott Klososky, the Founding Partner, does a magnificent job of getting a group of leaders to think deeply about future issues related to technology. The heading of MI includes Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML),…

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Future Me Hates Me

I was listening to a new album by The Beths and the song, Future Me Hates Me, got me thinking. Liz is singing about knowing that she is falling for a guy in spite of not wanting to. She knows from experience that this is likely to end badly and acknowledges this in the chorus:…

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How many things are you certain about? I mean absolutely, positively, no doubt about it, certain. If you are like most people, the answer is, “not many.” I used to be certain about most things. I “knew” I was right, and I worked hard to help others see things my way. However, that certainty wasn’t…

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The Privileged Few

“Hating Millennials is all the rage these days. One need not look far to find some article complaining about how members of that odious generation, defined usually as those born in the period from the early 1980s to the late 1990s are lazy, distracted, technology-obsessed, privacy-averse, unemployed, socialist, or whatever other defect or trend a…

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You Be Me For A While, I’ll Be You

“Kimray is the kind of place people want to root for.” That’s what someone said to me during a lunch meeting the other day. I was struck by that statement. I wrote it in my book. I have thought about it a lot since. I like to watch movies with my kids. We often focus…

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A Continuum

“We are a continuum. Just as we reach back to our ancestors for our fundamental values, so we, as guardians of that legacy, must reach ahead to our children and their children. And we do so with a sense of sacredness in that reaching.”  Paul Tsongas We recently held the Annual Kimray Shareholder meeting. Over…

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