A Miracle

Wednesday night at 9:37 my granddaughter, Violet Anne, was born. A lovely name for a lovely little girl. Later that evening, as I held her for the first time, she stole my heart. She will have whatever she asks of me or from me, for as long as I live. Holding her and looking at…

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More Than A Feeling

In 1976, Boston released their self-titled debut album. I was 12. The first track on side one is “More Than A Feeling.” Tom Scholz (who was a complete geek and an engineer who became a rock & roll demi god) sings about it being more than a feeling when he hears some old song they…

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What do you get if you multiply six by nine? “42” That answer is correct in Base-13. It is also the “ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything” in the Douglas Adams novel Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.2 The problem in this novel was they forgot the question, so they settled for randomly pulling Scrabble…

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Progress not Perfection

“Trying to design the perfect plan is the perfect recipe for disappointment.” —Patrick Lencioni We are not perfect. We are, in fact, irrational creatures who often act against our own best interests. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded a Nobel Prize in economics to Richard Thaler for his work in behavioral economics—or why we…

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Change Becomes You

“One’s purpose is often hidden. Often we do not have the slightest idea what we are, until we become it.”12 That is author Kevin Tobia’s paraphrase of something Nietzsche wrote. I don’t completely agree, but it begs the larger question of what makes us, us. In his article titled “Change Becomes You,” Tobia raises some…

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Left Behind

Nobody showed you how to live? Me either Get a steady job, couple kids Act decent But I’ve been on a ten-speed thinking about the time as the sun sets Like, what would I do different if I hit rewind and did it again? These lyrics in a song by K.Flay called “Dreamers” had me…

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Toxic Avenger

I am a huge fan of lists—if they are lists of things that need to get done. It gives me great satisfaction to cross things off as they are completed. I am not a fan of lists that give “x” steps to “y.” Steps you should take, things to avoid, habits to make—lists that tend…

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Change When Things are Good

I was watching the first episode of Abstract: The Art of Design, a new series on Netflix, with my son. It has been a fantastic show so far. The featured designer in this episode was an illustrator named Christoph Niemann. During the conversation he was having with us, the audience, Niemann made a statement that…

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Let’s talk about change. More specifically, the changing of things that were “built around systems designed to respond to the social structures and technologies of the industrial age” and “ought to be fundamentally rethought for the one we live in now,” according to Tim Brown, president and chief executive of IDEO. In The New York…

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Legacy and Innovation

I read an article called “How to Stand on Shoulders” (https://getpocket.com/a/read/1437178321) which is about coding actually, but it got me thinking. The author used the term “Not Invented Here.” Not Invented Here Syndrome (NIHS) is a mindset or corporate culture that favors internally-developed products over externally-developed products, even when the external solution is superior. (read…

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